Saturday, February 21, 2009

Update - Stocks, etc

I've altered my stock positions slightly, by removing AEE (Ameren). AEE, like most utilities paying good dividends, are loaded with debt, so I think their dividends are too risky and will be under pressure to be cut. I've also added a small position in ADP (Automatic Data Processing). ADP, a solid company, has little debt and raises its dividend annually. Listed in order of largest to smallest holdings.

  • KMB (Kimberly Clark)
  • PEP (Pepsico)
  • PG (Procter & Gamble)
  • MMM (3M Corp)
  • KO (Coca Cola)
  • KFT (Kraft)
  • BMY (Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • ADP (Automatic Data Processing)

My major asset are CDs. I don't own a home, though I do think that is OK, as long as one doesn't go into much debt to do so. I have no debt at all, and never want any, though I do think some is OK for a home.

I also own US Treasuries, about 7% of my assets. Right now I own inflation protected ones (TIPS). The two I hold are...

  • 2015's
  • 2013's

I like them because they protect both against deflation and moderately against inflation (yielding about 3% annually for the 2015's, more if inflation picks up).

I also own some gold (coins), but it is only about 3% of my assets and use a safe deposit box to store it. Gold does not qualify as an investment, but I do think it is warranted as a small insurance policy on US currency.

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