Tuesday, March 05, 2013

"You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Yep. you ain't seen nothin' yet!..........The DOW just set an all-time high.....no big deal since the avg. PE is still a modest 15+ and the Dow Transports just recently also set an all-time high......signalling the economy is operating super well. Also, interest rates weren't this low since just after WWII, also the start of a booming economy. And that's just some of the good news........housing is now booming, yet prices are nowhere near all-time highs of about 8 years ago....and, there is an oil/natural gas boom going on in the US, which means so much more because of the reasonable chance to make us energy independent......no need for our military to protect Saudi oil, etc.......and best of all, most don't even have a clue what is happening.......that just leaves even more room for the boom to go.

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