The main reason I created this blog several years ago was basically to track my investment approaches, particularly with stocks, allowing me to reflect on them as times change. So, here we are, a lot has happened, financially, during the last year or so. Well, my approach remains the same. I always want some stock investments, looking at them as I would in owning businesses, albeit just a fractional ownership in them, companies I want to own long term, having products which will likely always be in demand, are in good financial shape and which return good dividends. Plus, I will consider adding or subtracting from my positions as situations present themselves.
Like I said, my stock position remains basically the same, as follows, in order of biggest position to least. For perspective sake, stocks make up about 12% of my asset holdings, and that is about where I always intend to be.
- KMB (Kimberly Clark) - My top holding.
- PEP (Pepsico)
- AEE (Ameren Corp) - I always want a utility and I will swap one for the other over time, the latest swap was PNW (Pinnacle West) for AEE. I did this swap for tax purposes.
- PG (Procter & Gamble)
- MMM (3M Corp)
- KO (Coca Cola)
- KFT (Kraft) - it has more debt than I like so I will probably keep only a smaller position in it. I do like its product mix and top brand names and track record of a good dividend. But, I'll watch it closely.
- BMY (Bristol Myers Squibb) - Although I am wary about drug companies because of litigation risk, I'll go with a small position in it because it pays a good dividend, is in good financial shape, healthcare is something people will always need, might be a buyout candidate, and adds a little more diversification to my portfolio.
My major asset are CDs. I don't own a home, though I do think that is OK, as long as one doesn't go into much debt to do so. I have no debt at all, and never want any, though I do think some is OK for a home.
I also own US Treasuries, about 7% of my assets. Right now I own inflation protected ones (TIPS). The two I hold are...
- 2015's
- 2013's
I like them because they protect both against deflation and moderately against inflation (yielding about 3% annually for the 2015's, more if inflation picks up).
I also own some gold (coins), but it is only about 3% of my assets and use a safe deposit box to store it. Gold does not qualify as an investment, but I do think it is warranted as a small insurance policy on US currency.
I intend to further update my blog with some investment links which I like, and other stuff.
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